Family and Friends 3 Workbook كتاب

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Family and Friends 3 Workbook كتاب

 ? unit 1 They re from Australia

unit 2 My week end 

 unit 3  My things


unit 4 We re having fun at the beach

 ! unit 5 A naughty monkey

unit 6 Jims day

Review 2

 ! unit 7 Places to go 

 ! unit 8 Id like a melon 

? unit 9 Whats the fastest animal in the world

Review 3

 ! unit 10 in the park 

unit 11 In the museum

 ! unit 12 A clever baby 

Review 4

unit13 The Ancient Egyptians 

 ? unit 14 Did you have a good day at school 

 ! unit 15 Our holiday


Extensive reading : School

Extensive reading : The prince and the pauper

Starter :  My family

Lesson One 

1- Find and circle the family words in red and the numbers in blue

numbersfamily words 

2- Look at max Hollys family photos . Write the sentences

61- This is my sister

Lesson Two

1- Circle the correct word

1- Giraffes / Goats are taller than lions 

2- Snakes / Cows are bigger than goats 

3- Hens / Elephants are smaller than  sheep

4- Horses / Cows are faster than sheep 


1- Zebras are taller ( Tall) than sheep

2- Elephants are ……. ( big) than cows

3- Hens are ……. (  small) than dogs

4- Horses are ….. ( big) than donkeys

Lesson Three

1- Complete the words 

Twleve months in a year

……Januaty, Fe…….., March and A

……M……., June,J……., then August and S,

…….October, N……. and D,

 ! Twelve months in a year

2- Write the next month

January, February, than  March ,

………September .October, Than 

………May, June, then 

………December . January . than

,………July,  August Than

 …….February, March Than 

3- Write about you 

1- ………… ? when is your birthday 

2- ……… ? How old are you 

3-  …… ? When is your mums birthday 

4- …….. ? What is your favorite  month

Write in words and complete the sums

  ?   10+70 



20+? = 100


 ? unit 1 They re from Australia

Lesson One Worda

1- Write 

Brazilthe USAAustraliaThailandRussiaSpainthe Uk Egypt

2- Write about you 

………… My names 

…………Im from 

Lesson Three Grammar and song

Write about you and your friends

……….Im ……….. Im from

…………..…………. is ………..

…………..…………. is ………..


from - Im - Hes - its - are you - meet - you - are 

 ? Where aer yoy from 

the Uk……….
    Hello, hello,
? How are ………. today
 This is my friend.

 from the USA……….

 Hello, hello,
? How …….. you today
  l'm …….. Brazil.

 !  nice to meetyou……….

 Hello, hello,

Nice to ……… you, too

Lesson Four Phonics

1- Complete the words 

(( cr - dr - sp - sn - pl  ))

2- Write the sound with the correct picture Circle

3- Write 

((  draw - play - drink - crayon - spoon))

We ………  from a cup
…….we eat with a .
……..We ……… with a .
we ……… all afternoon.


 write the questions wite capital letters . Then answer the questions

1- ?  is leo from egypt 

 ? Is Leo from Egypt

2- ?  are you from the usa 


3- ?  is your birthday in august 


4- ?  is your birthday in august 


5-  ? is your family from spain 


6- ?  is your birthday in june 


My writing 

2- Choose and write

 ( the UK / The USA)…………My name is Katya . Im from

 ( autumn / spring)………… Im ten . My favourite season  is 

 ( Brett/ Greg)………My name is  

Im ……..  ( eight / nine) my favourite season is summer

3- Write about you 

………my name ……… Im

………Im ……….. My

unit 2 My week end 

Lesson One Words

1- Number the picture 

fish - skateboard - take photos - play chess - read comics - play basketball - do gymnastics- play volleyball

2- Write about you . Complete the questions and circle your answers

Yes I do / No I dont    ? do you  like reoding comics.
Yes I do / No I dont  ? Do you like climbing 
Yes I do / No I dont  ? Do you …….. gymnastics 
Yes I do / No I dont  ? Do you ……. chess

3- Write 

photos - I - like - likes - drawing - playing - we - chess

Dad…… playing basketball,
……And he likes playing .
Mum likes ……. tennis,
But I …… fishing best
Mum likes …….. pictures,
And ……. like drawing, too.
………Dad likes taking,
So…………Ve got lots to do

3- Write 

((  face - cuba - rope - space - kite ))

Let's play together, me and you.

……l've got a ,
And a ……. rope too.
…..l've got a ,
……..And a doll from .
……..Look. lt's got a purple



1- Underline the full forms . Write the short forms 

1- it is hot in summer its

2- ……..Ihave not got a sister 

3- ……. We are not English 

4-   …….She  has  not got a comic

5-  …….Ihave got two cousine 

6 -……… He is from Brazil 

2-  Choose a penfriend and write an email

……….. Hello / Hi 

………… My names / Im


…………. Idont like   


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