عرض بوربوينت انجليزي Unit 12: Culture Shock Listen and Discuss ثالث متوسط أ. أسماء المجلاد

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عرض بوربوينت انجليزي Unit 12: Culture Shock Listen and Discuss ثالث متوسط أ. أسماء المجلاد

Culture shock


Describe different culture habits

Use polite expressions

Business cardtip

 ? in which country do you think people always talk about the weather

 ? In which countries do you think all university graduates have a title

? in which country is tipping not common

 ? What do people in England usually do when they wait at bus stops

 ? What is the favorite topic of conversation with the British 

? What are some Mediterranean countries

 ? What is the common custom in Mediterranean countries

People in these countries are common to take morning breaks ( T or F )


? What do many Asian cultures use to eat with

It’s polite to play with chopsticks ( T or F )

? What is a custom they have in India

 ? In which countries do you think all university graduates have a title

? When do cab drivers get angry in the United States

The tip is usually 20% precent of your meal (T or F)

It is good idea to arrive early before meeting in Germany ( T or F )


 ? Which of the following customs are similar in your country

Quick Check

A. Vocabulary . Write down four sentences in the article that use expressions of advice and recommendation 

its a good idea to 

……In England, it’s customary to say

…..In the United States, remember to make sure you

B. Comprehension . Answer true or false 

1- F its not a good idea to discuss the weather in England 

2- T You are expected to take off your shoes in an indian home 

3- F Make sure you call every one in Mexico licencisdo

4- T Be sure to carry business cards with  you in japen 

5- T Remember not to be late for an appointmeent in Germany 

6- F You should always remember to tip in chine 

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